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  • 2014 Vol.4 No.1 Published:20 January 2014
    Effects of Irrigation and Fertilization on Yield and Agronomic Traits of Soybean
    Shen Xiaohui1, Jiang Cheng2, Feng Peng1, Zhang Hua1, Li Zengjie1, Zheng Haiyan1,
    2014, 4 (1):  1-3. 
    Abstract + ( 1232 )   PDF ( 1199KB )   ( 1017 )
    Effect of Water Stress of Soil on Growing Characteristics and Physiological Index of Rice (Oryza sativa)
    Wang Cheng’ai1, Zhao Lei1, Wang Bolun2, Zhang Wenxiang1, Zhao Xiuzhe1, Gao Liang
    2014, 4 (1):  4-14. 
    Abstract + ( 1596 )   PDF ( 1497KB )   ( 990 )
    The Bacteriostatic Action of Thifluzamide, Epoxiconazole and Their Mixtures on Rice Sheath Blight
    2014, 4 (1):  15-18. 
    Abstract + ( 1263 )   PDF ( 1392KB )   ( 1406 )
    Research and Development on Invaded Insect Bactrocera dorsalis for Detection Method
    2014, 4 (1):  19-21. 
    Abstract + ( 1179 )   PDF ( 1135KB )   ( 1106 )
    The Behavior Observation and Control Experiment of the Garden Nursery about Sympiezomias citri Chao
    Ma Xiaoyong1, Huang Jianming2, Lin Xiulian1
    2014, 4 (1):  22-24. 
    Abstract + ( 1143 )   PDF ( 2520KB )   ( 935 )
    Effects of Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer on Plant and Soil N Concentration and Yield of Rice in Cold Region
    2014, 4 (1):  25-28. 
    Abstract + ( 1092 )   PDF ( 1246KB )   ( 1044 )
    Effect of Age Sequence on the Rhizosphere Soil Nutrient and Enzyme Activities of Caragana microphylla Plantation
    Dong Yunzhong, Zhang Qiang, Gao Chunhua, Li Jianhua
    2014, 4 (1):  29-32. 
    Abstract + ( 1086 )   PDF ( 1217KB )   ( 1047 )
    Application and Prospect of microbial fertilizer in fruit production
    Chi Bin1, Gao Wensheng2, Li Linguang3, Yang Li4
    2014, 4 (1):  33-35. 
    Abstract + ( 1383 )   PDF ( 1133KB )   ( 1227 )
    Analysis on Characteristics of Sunshine Hours for 41 Years in Neijiang
    2014, 4 (1):  36-39. 
    Abstract + ( 1085 )   PDF ( 1569KB )   ( 1088 )
    Study on Frost Damage of Almond (Meat)-Apricot in Apricot Blossom Period in Northern Shanxi Province
    Li Xiaozhen, Li Kaiyuan, Liu Jieli, Yang Shuhua, Du Shaojia
    2014, 4 (1):  40-43. 
    Abstract + ( 967 )   PDF ( 1296KB )   ( 935 )
    The Progress of Induction of Polyploidy in Cassava by Colchicine
    Lu Liuying1,2, Xie Xiangyu1,2, Yan Huabing1,2
    2014, 4 (1):  44-47. 
    Abstract + ( 1234 )   PDF ( 1270KB )   ( 1206 )
    Changes of Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Rhododendron hybridum Under Artificial Low Temperature Stress
    2014, 4 (1):  48-53. 
    Abstract + ( 1123 )   PDF ( 1404KB )   ( 1076 )
    Preliminary Report on the Experiment of ‘Hupingzao’ in Greenhouse Cultivation
    2014, 4 (1):  54-56. 
    Abstract + ( 1141 )   PDF ( 1303KB )   ( 1014 )
    The Influence of Different Drip Irrigation Amount on the Growth of Hami Jujube
    2014, 4 (1):  57-59. 
    Abstract + ( 961 )   PDF ( 1325KB )   ( 995 )
    Current Status of Pineapple Industry in Yunnan Province
    2014, 4 (1):  60-63. 
    Abstract + ( 1077 )   PDF ( 1287KB )   ( 1472 )
    Sechium edule ‘Bliss’ Comparison Experiment of Different Planting Period
    2014, 4 (1):  64-66. 
    Abstract + ( 1315 )   PDF ( 1204KB )   ( 947 )
    Development Status, Problems and Strategy of Forest Industry in HanZhong Region
    2014, 4 (1):  67-70. 
    Abstract + ( 1043 )   PDF ( 1428KB )   ( 1284 )
    2014, 4 (1):  71-75. 
    Abstract + ( 1009 )   PDF ( 1377KB )   ( 1058 )
    The Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Fertigation Technology and Development Strategies in China
    2014, 4 (1):  76-80. 
    Abstract + ( 1521 )   PDF ( 1603KB )   ( 2094 )
    new rice promotion present situation and countermeasures in Sanming City, Fujian Province
    2014, 4 (1):  81-84. 
    Abstract + ( 1079 )   PDF ( 1208KB )   ( 995 )
    Advances in Genetic Engineering for Disease Resistance in Watermelon
    2014, 4 (1):  85-89. 
    Abstract + ( 1069 )   PDF ( 1278KB )   ( 1141 )
    Studies on the Chemical Compounds of the Ethanol Extract of Plocamium telfairiae Harv.
    2014, 4 (1):  90-93. 
    Abstract + ( 1151 )   PDF ( 1555KB )   ( 1096 )
    The Application of HTTPS Protocol on Agricultural Technology Knowledge Database construction Base on HTTPS protocol-based single sign system
    2014, 4 (1):  94-98. 
    Abstract + ( 1129 )   PDF ( 2479KB )   ( 882 )
    The Existing Problems and Countermeasures of the Agricultural Development in Our Country
    2014, 4 (1):  99-106. 
    Abstract + ( 1275 )   PDF ( 1298KB )   ( 1657 )
    Analysis of Ecological Agriculture Development Mode in Qianjiang
    2014, 4 (1):  107-110. 
    Abstract + ( 968 )   PDF ( 1150KB )   ( 1169 )
    The Localization and Function of Leisure Agriculture in the New Urbanization
    2014, 4 (1):  111-115. 
    Abstract + ( 1070 )   PDF ( 1634KB )   ( 1134 )
    The Empirical Research of Collective Forest Rights Reform Policy Performance Based on the AHP Mmodel
    2014, 4 (1):  116-119. 
    Abstract + ( 983 )   PDF ( 1462KB )   ( 1049 )
    Farmers’ Happiness Index and Empirical Study of Factors Affecting:An Example of Taigu County in Shanxi Province
    2014, 4 (1):  120-124. 
    Abstract + ( 1322 )   PDF ( 1365KB )   ( 1020 )