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  • 2013 Vol.3 No.12 Published:20 December 2013
    Effects of Different Sowing Date and Density on the Yield and Main Traits of ‘Liaohongxiaodou No. 8’
    2013, 3 (12):  1-5. 
    Abstract + ( 888 )   PDF ( 1226KB )   ( 1013 )
    Breeding and Application of a Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line Nan A6 With High Quality and Good Combining Ability in Brassica Napus L.
    2013, 3 (12):  6-11. 
    Abstract + ( 1120 )   PDF ( 1273KB )   ( 1115 )
    Study on Combining Ability of Six Corn Inbred Lines
    2013, 3 (12):  12-15. 
    Abstract + ( 995 )   PDF ( 1102KB )   ( 1096 )
    Study of Detection Technology Using Test-tube Plantlets of Ipomoea Setosa Test the Viruses in Test-tube Plantlets of Sweet Potato
    2013, 3 (12):  16-22. 
    Abstract + ( 1100 )   PDF ( 1283KB )   ( 1251 )
    Prevention and Control Technology on Empoasca flavescens Fabricius and Eetropis Oblique Hypulina Wehrli
    2013, 3 (12):  23-27. 
    Abstract + ( 1012 )   PDF ( 1263KB )   ( 1069 )
    Analysis of high performance liquid 20% dinotefuran suspension chromatography
    2013, 3 (12):  28-31. 
    Abstract + ( 1138 )   PDF ( 1296KB )   ( 1707 )
    Research on Distinguishing the Rural Type When Monitoring and Evaluating the Rural Soil Heavy Metal Pollution
    2013, 3 (12):  32-35. 
    Abstract + ( 933 )   PDF ( 1233KB )   ( 1168 )
    Ecological Cycle and Industrial Promotion Strategy of Soil Erosion Preliminary Control in Southern Red Area: Based on Empirical Analysis of Changting, Ninghua and Pinghe
    2013, 3 (12):  36-41. 
    Abstract + ( 1105 )   PDF ( 1428KB )   ( 1179 )
    The Introduction and Key Cultivation Techniques of ‘Black Prince’ Tomato for the Mountainous Areas
    2013, 3 (12):  42-44. 
    Abstract + ( 966 )   PDF ( 1138KB )   ( 1327 )
    The qualitative and quantitative study on the anthocyanosides in the Photinia serrulata red pigment
    2013, 3 (12):  45-47. 
    Abstract + ( 991 )   PDF ( 1298KB )   ( 1302 )
    Analysis and Evaluation on Nutritional Components in Tender Leaf-bud of Rare Woody Vegetable, Bretschneidera sinensis
    2013, 3 (12):  48-51. 
    Abstract + ( 937 )   PDF ( 1216KB )   ( 1284 )
    Occurrence and management suggestions on Jatropha virus diseases
    2013, 3 (12):  52-55. 
    Abstract + ( 1002 )   PDF ( 1581KB )   ( 1112 )
    Study on the Construction of Ecological Landscape Forest in North China
    2013, 3 (12):  56-59. 
    Abstract + ( 999 )   PDF ( 1425KB )   ( 1074 )
    Based on the different economic conditions of jilin maize production mechanization Division pattern research
    2013, 3 (12):  60-63. 
    Abstract + ( 896 )   PDF ( 1929KB )   ( 1076 )
    Research on Service Support System of Efficient Ecological Agriculture in Yellow River Delta
    2013, 3 (12):  64-68. 
    Abstract + ( 879 )   PDF ( 1322KB )   ( 1131 )
    Adaption of Grain Production to Climate Change and Its Public Participation in Northeast China
    2013, 3 (12):  69-73. 
    Abstract + ( 855 )   PDF ( 1167KB )   ( 1146 )
    Discussion and Analysis on the Current Situation and Promoting Approach of the Peasant College Students’ Learning Power
    2013, 3 (12):  74-78. 
    Abstract + ( 871 )   PDF ( 1214KB )   ( 1138 )