
农学学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (6): 6-14.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16110018

• 植物保护 •    下一篇



  1. 浙江省农药检定管理所,浙江省农药检定管理所,浙江省临海市农业技术推广中心,浙江省黄岩区果树技术推广总站,浙江农林大学农学院植物保护系
  • 收稿日期:2016-11-13 修回日期:2016-12-08 接受日期:2016-12-19 出版日期:2017-06-28 发布日期:2017-06-28
  • 通讯作者: 王华弟 E-mail:if8ynr
  • 基金资助:

Monitoring and Integrated Control of Population Dynamics of Bat Fly on Red Bayberry

  • Received:2016-11-13 Revised:2016-12-08 Accepted:2016-12-19 Online:2017-06-28 Published:2017-06-28

摘要: 为了探明杨梅果蝇种群发生动态与综合防控技术,2003—2015 年在浙江省临海市和黄岩区对杨梅果蝇发生规律、监测预报与综合防治进行了系统调查研究。结果表明:杨梅果蝇种群数量在6 月中下旬和7 月中旬出现2 次高峰期,杨梅挂果期危害重;东魁杨梅栽培、果园复杂环境、冬季气温偏高和天敌控制能力下降是该虫种群数量上升的主要原因,制定了预测预报方法,建立了发生危害预测模型,平均预测准确率为93.3%。罗帐杨梅栽培技术防阻果蝇效果显著,有虫果率与对照相比降低了93.61%~96.25%;60 g/L 乙基多杀菌素2000 倍液,在杨梅采前45、30、20 天喷施,虫口减少率为92.94%~95.72%,果实危害下降率为91.56%~95.78%,且降解速度快,已取得农业部农药登记。集成了一套杨梅果蝇防控对策和以监测预警预报为基础,物理阻隔、农业防治和药剂防治相互协调、有机配套的绿色防控技术,有效控制杨梅果蝇的发生危害。

关键词: 燕麦, 燕麦, 播期, 密度, 经济性状, 产量

Abstract: To ascertain the population dynamics and integrated control technologies of red bayberry bat flies (RBBF), a system investigation of occurrence rules, monitoring and forecasting and integrated control was conducted during 2003 to 2015 in Linhai City and Huangyan District in Zhejiang. The results showed that RBBF population had two peaks in mid and late of June and mid of July, fruits were heavily damaged during the fruiting period; Dongkui RBBF population increased mainly because of ultivation, complex orchard environment, winter temperature rising and natural enemies control capacity decreasing. The monitoring and prediction method for RBBF was formulated, and the prediction model was established, the accuracy rate reached 93.3%. Net red bayberry culture technology had obvious prevention effects on RBBF, the damaged fruit rate decreased by 93.61% to 96.25% compared with that of CK; by 60 g/L spinetoram 2000 times liquid sprayed at 45, 30 and 20 d before harvest, RBBF population decreased by 92.94% to 95.72%, damaged fruit rate decreased by 91.56% to 95.78%, and it had fast degradation velocity, which acquired official pesticide registration. Environmental friendly control technologies were formed based on control strategies on RBBF and To ascertain the population dynamics and integrated control technologies of red bayberry bat flies (RBBF), a system investigation of occurrence rules, monitoring and forecasting and integrated control was conducted during 2003 to 2015 in Linhai City and Huangyan District in Zhejiang. The results showed that RBBF population had two peaks in mid and late of June and mid of July, fruits were heavily damaged during the fruiting period; Dongkui RBBF population increased mainly because of cultivation, complex orchard environment, winter temperature rising and natural enemies control capacity decreasing. The monitoring and prediction method for RBBF was formulated, and the prediction model was established, the accuracy rate reached 93.3%. Net red bayberry culture technology had obvious prevention effects on RBBF, the damaged fruit rate decreased by 93.61% to 96.25% compared with that of CK; by 60 g/L spinetoram 2000 times liquid sprayed at 45, 30 and 20 d before harvest, RBBF population decreased by 92.94% to 95.72%, damaged fruit rate decreased by 91.56% to 95.78%, and it had fast degradation velocity, which acquired official pesticide registration. Environmental friendly control technologies were formed based on control strategies on RBBF and monitoring and forecasting, which combined physical obstruct and agricultural control, which could control RBBF effectively.
