
农学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (8): 19-22.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas20190500038

所属专题: 油料作物

• 农艺科学/生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


王利琴(), 杨建春   

  1. 山西省农业科学院高寒区作物研究所,山西大同 037000
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-13 修回日期:2019-08-08 出版日期:2020-08-20 发布日期:2020-08-19
  • 作者简介:王利琴,女,1974年出生,山西大同人,副研究员,主要从事胡麻栽培育种方面的研究。通信地址:037000 山西省大同市迎宾路18号 山西省农业科学院高寒区作物研究所,E-mail: wliqin324@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Water and Fertilizer Coupling on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Flax at Seedling Stage

Wang Liqin(), Yang Jianchun   

  1. Cold Region Crops Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Science, Datong 037000, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2019-05-13 Revised:2019-08-08 Online:2020-08-20 Published:2020-08-19


为探究水肥耦合调控条件下叶绿素、光合速率和干物质积累等的动态变化规律,采用适宜水量、干旱胁迫2个处理作为主因子,施肥处理作为副因子(纯氮60、90、120 kg/hm2,P2O5 30、60、90 kg/hm2),于苗期测定叶绿素含量、光合速率和干物质积累量。研究表明,在干旱条件下,不同施肥处理的叶绿素含量有显著差异,其中N1P2(纯氮60 kg/hm2,P2O5 60 kg/hm2)含量最高为0.97 mg/g;水分适量时,不同施肥处理结果差异显著,其中N1P2含量也最高为1.189 mg/g。在干旱条件和水分适宜2个条件下,各施肥组合处理后的光合速率有显著差异,其中N1P2值均达到最大,分别为16.06、17.969 μmol/(m2·s)。另外,在干旱和水分适量2个条件下,各施肥处理之间干物质积累有显著差异,其中N1P2干物质积累量在2个处理条件下均是最大值,分别为0.183、0.256 g/株。因此,干旱胁迫下胡麻的光合作用弱于适宜水量处理下的光合作用,适宜的氮磷配施可以显著提高光合速率,增加干物质量的积累。

关键词: 胡麻, 水肥耦合调控, 叶绿素, 光合作用, 光合速率, 干物质


In this study, the dynamic changes of chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate and dry matter accumulation of flax were investigated. Suitable water amount and drought stress were used as the main factors, and fertilization was used as the secondary factor (pure nitrogen: 60, 90, 120 kg/hm2; P2O5: 30, 60, 90 kg/hm2) to measure the chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and dry matter accumulation at seedling stage. The results showed that there were significant differences in chlorophyll content under different fertilization treatments. Under drought condition, the chlorophyll content of N1P2 treatment (pure nitrogen 60 kg/hm2, P2O5 60 kg/hm2) was the maximum of 0.97 mg/g, under appropriate water treatment, the highest chlorophyll content was observed in N1P2 as 1.189 mg/g. There were significant differences in the photosynthetic rate of each fertilization combination, under the drought stress and appropriate water treatment, the photosynthetic rate of N1P2 reached the maximum value of 16.06 and 17.969 mol/(m2·s), respectively. In addition, there were significant differences in dry matter accumulation among different fertilization treatments under drought stress and appropriate water treatment, the dry matter accumulation of N1P2 was the largest, 0.183 and 0.256 g/plant, respectively. Under drought stress, the photosynthesis of flax could be weaker than that under water treatment, and the appropriate nitrogen and phosphorus application could significantly improve the photosynthetic rate and increase the accumulation of dry matter.

Key words: Flax, Water and Fertilizer Coupling, Chlorophyll, Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic Rate, Dry Matter
