
农学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (8): 101-104.

所属专题: 现代农业发展与乡村振兴 烟草种植与生产

• 三农问题研究 农村产业结构 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2013-12-28 修回日期:2014-02-18 出版日期:2014-08-20 发布日期:2014-08-20

Exploration and Consideration on the Sustainable Development of Ankang Mountain Tobacco

  • Received:2013-12-28 Revised:2014-02-18 Online:2014-08-20 Published:2014-08-20

摘要: 优质特色烟叶的可持续发展之路是中国烟叶未来发展的必由之路。结合安康山区烟叶发展实际,对制约安康烟区可持续发展的因素进行了分析,提出了加强土地资源整合,建立科学的基本烟田保护制度,解决好在哪里种烟的问题;逐步培养职业烟农,加强烟技员队伍建设,解决好靠谁种烟的问题;提高科技创新,落实规范技术,健全烟叶生产组织模式,完善烟叶生产保障机制,解决好怎么种烟的问题等发展对策及建议。

关键词: 烤烟, 烤烟, 品种, 烟田小气候, 烟蚜种群, 影响

Abstract: the road of the sustainable development of the quality and characteristics of tobacco is the only way for Chinese tobacco documentary to development. Combined with the tobacco development in Ankang mountainous area, this study analyzed the factors which restrict the sustainable development of Ankang tobacco, put forward the development countermeasures and suggestions, strengthen the integration of land resources, established basic tobacco field protection system, so as to solve the problem where plant tobacco, cultivated occupation farmers, strengthened the construction of tobacco technician team, so as to solve the problem who plant tobacco, improved science and technology innovation , implemented specification technique, perfected the organization mode of tobacco production, improved tobacco production guarantee mechanism, so as to solve the problem how plant tobacco .