
农学学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (5): 39-47.doi: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.casb14110169

所属专题: 小麦

• 植物保护 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 四川省南充市植保植检站,四川省南充市植保植检站,四川省南充市植保植检站,四川省南充市植保植检站,四川省营山县植保植检站,四川省营山县植保植检站,四川省南充市高坪区植保植检站,四川省仪陇县植保植检站
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-27 修回日期:2015-01-06 接受日期:2015-01-07 出版日期:2015-06-02 发布日期:2015-06-02
  • 通讯作者: 彭昌家 E-mail:ncpcj@163.com
  • 基金资助:

To Study the Epidemic TrendSand Causes of Cccurrence of WheatSStripe Rust inSNanchong AreaPeng Changjia 1Ding Pan 1 Bai Tikun 1 Feng Libing1

  • Received:2014-11-27 Revised:2015-01-06 Accepted:2015-01-07 Online:2015-06-02 Published:2015-06-02

摘要: 为了探明小麦条锈病在南充市的发生流行规律,以便及时准确搞好小麦条锈病监测预警和综合治理,减少随高空气流传入川东南春季流行区以及渝、鄂、湘等邻近麦区和中国东部小麦主产区条锈病菌源量,从而,确保这些地区小麦生产与贸易安全和可持续发展。多年来,通过采用系统监测、定期调查、田间普查、试验圃小麦品种抗条锈性鉴定、田间发病麦株生理小种抽样送检、综合治理和气象资料分析等方法,首次探明了小麦条锈病菌首先传入南充市的初始菌源地地点、传播路径、传入峰次、本地流行峰次以及本地流行与传入时间、传入峰次等之间的关系。研究表明:小麦条锈病在南充市的发生特点是病害初见期越早,发生越重;流行特点是本地小麦条锈菌有2次传入侵染高峰期,第1次外来菌源大范围传入对病害流行起着关键作用,在田间存在1~3个流行高峰期,第1个流行高峰期发生面积对当年病害流行起着决定作用;1月下旬的累计发生面积与年发生面积成较高正相关,其相关系数为0.7692。流行趋势是近16年来,偏重至大发生频率达81.25%,偏轻发生仅占6.3%,说明条锈病正处于重发流行期。流行的内因是小麦品种抗条锈能力的降低或丧失,造成品种抗性丧失的原因是条锈菌新生理小种致病性强且已上升为主要小种;外因是暖冬和春季天气波动幅度大,雾、露日偏多,以及重发、常发、早发和风口河谷地区发生严重。2002年以来,通过条锈病初见期、2次外来菌源传入范围、田间3次流行高峰期发生面积与相关系数,结合田间监测数据和气象预报,进行长、中、短期预报,全市小麦条锈病短期预报准确率年年达到100%,中、长期预报准确率分别达到98%和95%以上,比1998年以前提高5~15个百分点。

关键词: 菊黄东方鲀, 菊黄东方鲀, 饵料, 肌肉, 品质, 氨基酸

Abstract: The thesis is written to find out the occurrence and epidemic regularity of wheat stripe rust in Nanchong area, which will do a good job for monitoring, early warning and comprehensive of wheat stripe rust in time and accurately, meanwhile reduce the high air spread of stripe rust pathogen quantity that coming to Sichuan southeast spring epidemic area, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan and other neighboring region, main wheat production district in east China. Thus, the wheat production, trade security and sustainable development can be ensured. Over these years, by the methods of systematical monitoring, regular surveys, field investigation, stripe rust resistance identification, physiological sampling inspection of morbidity plant, comprehensive treatment and meteorological data analysis, we have firstly discovered the initial bacteria source of wheat stripe rust, propagation path, afferent?peak?time, local epidemic peak time and the relationship between epidemic peak time, afferent time and afferent peak time. This study shows that the earlier the symptoms occurred, the more serious it will be. There are two afferent?infection?peak time. The first one plays a key role in bacteria spreading which existed in the field for 1~3 epidemic peaks and the area influenced by the first epidemic peak will play a decisive role in the same year. The cumulative occurrence area in late January is highly in correlation to the annual occurrence area with the correlation coefficient hitting 0.7692. In recent 16 years, the proportion of serious occurrence is 81.25% while light occurrence is only 6.3%. The number shows that the stripe rust is in an epidemic period. The internal reason is the reduction or loss of wheat variety’s resistance to tripe rust for a new physiological race of rust is becoming pathogenic stronger and be the major race. If there are big fluctuation of temperatures in warm winter and spring, or fog and dew days slants much, they would directly cause stripe rust in serious occur area, frequent occur area, early occur area and windy outlet valley area. Since 2002, by analysing the initial period, twice afferent range of foreign bacteria source, 3 epidemic peak times of occurrence area and the relation coefficient, we combine the field monitoring data and meteorological forecast to make a long, medium and short-term prediction. The short-term prediction accuracy rate of wheat stripe rust is 100% in every year while the medium and long-term prediction accuracy rate reaching more than 98% and 95% respectively, which increased by 5~15 percentage points than those before 1998.
