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  • 2014 Vol.4 No.7 Published:20 July 2014
    Effects of Polyethyleneglycol (PEG) Simulated Drought Stress on Seed Germination Characters in Maize
    2014, 4 (7):  1-4. 
    Abstract + ( 1215 )   PDF ( 1174KB )   ( 1189 )
    Analysis on Crop Productivity, Stability and Adaptability of Maize Hybrid “Changdan 525”
    2014, 4 (7):  5-7. 
    Abstract + ( 1112 )   PDF ( 1185KB )   ( 1008 )
    Effect of chromosomes of Leymus racemosus on photosynthesis and yield character in wheat
    2014, 4 (7):  8-12. 
    Abstract + ( 1327 )   PDF ( 1617KB )   ( 1070 )
    Study on The Applying Method of Rice Hull in Rice Organic Cultivation
    2014, 4 (7):  13-18. 
    Abstract + ( 1414 )   PDF ( 1779KB )   ( 1018 )
    Studies on Formulation Selection and Physico-chemical Properties of Super Micro-powder Rape Seed-coating Agent
    2014, 4 (7):  19-23. 
    Abstract + ( 1253 )   PDF ( 1311KB )   ( 913 )
    Field Efficacy Trial of Different Fungicides on Controlling Powdery Mildew of Cucumber
    2014, 4 (7):  24-25. 
    Abstract + ( 971 )   PDF ( 1100KB )   ( 1137 )
    Preliminary Report on the Study of the Control on Soybean Aphid with Intercropping of Soybean and Garlic or Chinese Onion
    2014, 4 (7):  26-28. 
    Abstract + ( 924 )  
    Research of the Effect of Biological Agents on Growth of Flue-cured Tobacco
    2014, 4 (7):  29-33. 
    Abstract + ( 1003 )   PDF ( 1276KB )   ( 1111 )
    Effect of Increasing Application of Secondary and Micro-element Fertilizers on Soybean’s Growth and Yield
    2014, 4 (7):  34-36. 
    Abstract + ( 1146 )   PDF ( 1124KB )   ( 1079 )
    The Study on the Present Situation and Protection of Wetland Resources of the Lake-AHA National Wetland Park in Guiyang
    2014, 4 (7):  37-40. 
    Abstract + ( 1003 )  
    Analysis of Current Management Condition and Sustainable Development Countermeasures on Water Resources Conservation Forest in Qilian Mountains
    2014, 4 (7):  41-44. 
    Abstract + ( 955 )   PDF ( 1164KB )   ( 1241 )
    Study on the diversity of aquatic plants and application in Changsha city
    2014, 4 (7):  45-50. 
    Abstract + ( 993 )   PDF ( 1516KB )   ( 1119 )
    Reserch Progress on Nutrient Fluid Waste Recycling
    2014, 4 (7):  51-53. 
    Abstract + ( 1067 )   PDF ( 1055KB )   ( 1532 )
    Analysis of Functional Guild and its Ecological Characteristics of Macro-soil-fauna in Mountain Apple Orchards
    2014, 4 (7):  54-56. 
    Abstract + ( 967 )   PDF ( 1267KB )   ( 1164 )
    Compare on different methods of Chilling tolerance identification of Lagerstroemia indica L. Varieties
    2014, 4 (7):  57-63. 
    Abstract + ( 1022 )   PDF ( 1662KB )   ( 1098 )
    Briefly Explore the Selenium-rich Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry of Gansu Province
    2014, 4 (7):  64-67. 
    Abstract + ( 1107 )   PDF ( 1097KB )   ( 1074 )
    Research advances in comprehensive utilization technology of banana by-products
    2014, 4 (7):  68-72. 
    Abstract + ( 1151 )   PDF ( 1275KB )   ( 1733 )
    Camellia development planning of Xin Yang
    2014, 4 (7):  73-77. 
    Abstract + ( 1063 )   PDF ( 1328KB )   ( 1123 )
    Near-infrared Model for Testing Castor Seed Oil Content
    2014, 4 (7):  78-81. 
    Abstract + ( 1117 )   PDF ( 1318KB )   ( 1143 )
    On the Current Research Situation of Amelanchier alnifolia
    2014, 4 (7):  82-84. 
    Abstract + ( 1278 )   PDF ( 1226KB )   ( 1372 )
    Discussion of Development Strategy About Chinese Under-forest Economic Industry
    2014, 4 (7):  85-88. 
    Abstract + ( 1100 )   PDF ( 1066KB )   ( 1454 )
    Antifungal Effects in Nitro of Oregano Oil Rot-Causing Fungi and Their Resistance
    2014, 4 (7):  89-91. 
    Abstract + ( 1127 )   PDF ( 1258KB )   ( 1002 )
    The Progress in Applications of Ultrasonic Technique in Extraction of Polyphenols from Plant
    2014, 4 (7):  92-95. 
    Abstract + ( 1029 )   PDF ( 1192KB )   ( 1373 )
    Problems and Countermeasures of Plant pathology course Practice teaching of Agronomy specialty
    2014, 4 (7):  96-99. 
    Abstract + ( 955 )   PDF ( 1345KB )   ( 1248 )
    Analysis on Main Body of Agricultural Technology Innovation and Related Problems in Shanxi
    2014, 4 (7):  107-110. 
    Abstract + ( 1022 )   PDF ( 1068KB )   ( 1012 )
    From Fairness and Efficiency to Analyze Government Responsibility in New Rural Cooperative Medical System
    2014, 4 (7):  111-114. 
    Abstract + ( 1081 )   PDF ( 1179KB )   ( 1190 )
    The Empirical Study of Qingdao Development Zone of Basic Public Services:In Case of Public Health and Basic Education
    2014, 4 (7):  115-120. 
    Abstract + ( 989 )   PDF ( 1498KB )   ( 1044 )
    Present situation and thought of farmer specialty cooperative organization in Sanming city
    2014, 4 (7):  121-124. 
    Abstract + ( 1018 )   PDF ( 1217KB )   ( 1121 )